15 hours ago
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Where has the time gone....
Here a couple of pictures to tide you over.... 2010 will be a different year on this blog...I have something exciting planned for it...and I can't wait to share....

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Yes that term describes me when it comes to the blog...however, not when it comes to life in general. I've been sewing up a strom. Playing with the new WALKER that I call my Bear, and overall just enjoying our life. In less than 2 weeks the little Bear will be 1. I can't believe I just typed that. It seems that not to long ago i was just posting a 2 months post, or a 5 months post...and I'm fixing to have to type a 12 month post....
She is more amazing every single day. And I am so blessed to have her as my daughter...this is short and sweet I know, but here is a couple of pictures, so you can see how amazing she is for yourself....love to you all...

She is more amazing every single day. And I am so blessed to have her as my daughter...this is short and sweet I know, but here is a couple of pictures, so you can see how amazing she is for yourself....love to you all...

Thursday, September 10, 2009
It's Thursday and All is Well....
Only 1 more day until the weekend. And I'm excited for this weekend. We are going to a small town up the road to have some BBQ with a girl I went to High School with. We were headed that way, so asked if her family would like to join us. I'm excited...I haven't seen her in ummmmm...10+ years or so...Facebook is a good thing sometimes. :)
I'm actually pretty tired today. Bear had a rough night :( She it cutting MORE teeth and they are giving her fits. Once again my child is waking up in the night. Only once but she stays up for several hours. Last night she woke a smidge before midnight, and went back to bed at almost 3am!!!! This makes mama a little on the tired side, especially when the alarm goes off at 6. Oh well she's only little once. I'll cherish these times just as I cherish her giggling happy times.
What else is new.....OH!!! Yesterday I actually got to sew some. Nothing spectacular, but I did get all my curtains hemmed. And with the extra that I cut off, I am making tie backs. I do need to go buy some ribbon though to finish them off. I'm just glad that they are no longer dragging on the floor. 8 panels was a lot to do...and each one was the same process. Cut the amount off, fold up 4 inches, pin, iron, unpin, then fold in an inch, iron, refold and pin, then flip over and fold back 1/4 inch and iron...THEN take to sewing machine to do a blind hem stitch (this is the type of hem that is on dress pants/slacks). When all was said and done, I'm very happy with the outcome. They look great :)
Other than that...nothing new. My next project is to trace off my mom's jacket and make a muslin for it. Just to make sure it fits correctly. Then I'll have to decide on what fabric to purchase and sew up. I'm excited about it. I also have a dress shirt that I want to make for her as well. Lots to do...lots to do..
For now...I'm out of here.
I'm actually pretty tired today. Bear had a rough night :( She it cutting MORE teeth and they are giving her fits. Once again my child is waking up in the night. Only once but she stays up for several hours. Last night she woke a smidge before midnight, and went back to bed at almost 3am!!!! This makes mama a little on the tired side, especially when the alarm goes off at 6. Oh well she's only little once. I'll cherish these times just as I cherish her giggling happy times.
What else is new.....OH!!! Yesterday I actually got to sew some. Nothing spectacular, but I did get all my curtains hemmed. And with the extra that I cut off, I am making tie backs. I do need to go buy some ribbon though to finish them off. I'm just glad that they are no longer dragging on the floor. 8 panels was a lot to do...and each one was the same process. Cut the amount off, fold up 4 inches, pin, iron, unpin, then fold in an inch, iron, refold and pin, then flip over and fold back 1/4 inch and iron...THEN take to sewing machine to do a blind hem stitch (this is the type of hem that is on dress pants/slacks). When all was said and done, I'm very happy with the outcome. They look great :)
Other than that...nothing new. My next project is to trace off my mom's jacket and make a muslin for it. Just to make sure it fits correctly. Then I'll have to decide on what fabric to purchase and sew up. I'm excited about it. I also have a dress shirt that I want to make for her as well. Lots to do...lots to do..
For now...I'm out of here.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Happy Tuesday... :)
One of these days I will be able to keep up with this...*sigh* I have so much to write about, but never seem to have much time to get it all out there.
I just posted a post that I had written almost a month ago. I'm sure at the time there was more to say, but hey I got out what I could. Right now the Bear is asleep so I thought I'd see what I could share with everyone now...
My dad is officially moved in. We have found him a place to build his boat. It's only about 5 miles from our house so that's nice. We have moved some of our things out there for storage just so we could have some extra room :) It has been so much fun having my dad around. He is retired, so he doesn't have to go to work. It makes my days seem less lonely at home. We get to do simple things together, like go to Costco, and the grocery store...and he'll run errands with me so I don't have to take the baby out all the time.
It's been a bit different trying to adjust, but we are really getting the hang of it. Dad doesn't take up much space, and he is just using the guest room and the guest bath. Which we weren't using anyways. He does his fair share around the house. We don't expect anything but he does LOVE to cook, so he usually cooks 3-4 meals a week for us, and I cook the rest of the time. It sure has saved on our "going out to eat" bill. He does the dishes most nights which is nice. But most of all it's just nice to have him there. I know he's safe...not like he can't take care of himself, but I worry. He's had a quintuple bypass almost 10 years ago, and several shunts put in in recent years. So it's nice to have him close in case he needs something. He also is suffering from the results of getting red mold...so the breathing isn't the best...but he does really well. He has slowly improved over the years :)
Tori is loving having Grandpa there. He gets down on the floor with her and plays...she pulls on his shorts while he's on the couch to tempt him to "tickle" her. It's so much fun to watch!!! I'm just glad he's here :)
Now on to the Bear...she's getting SOOOOOOOOO BIG!!! She'll be 10 months in 4 days. So hard to believe. She crawls like there is no tomorrow, pulls up on everything, stands by herself, and is cruising around holding on to the wall and the couches. I foresee her walking before she is 1 or by the time she is 1. She's got 2 months to get there. She's got a mouthful of teeth, and knows how to use them. She's eating tiny pieces of meat, all veggies, yogurt (her absolute favorite food), cheese cubes, all fruit that is not citrus, and loves to "share" Grandpa's ice cream. She is self feeding snacks. But I refuse to turn her loose with the spoon just yet. I did once and we had mashed potatoes in her hair, eyelids, my hair, the floor, the wall, you name it, there was potatoes. So for now, we stick with the diced foods... She says "da da", "ma ma", and "hi". She knows who we are and will call to us with her arms up. She waves and says "hi" to people when you ask her too. She's really starting to love books. She loves books with shapes and animals. She can handle "story time" for about 15 mins now. Then she looses her focus...For simple words, we are teaching her the Spanish version has well. Slowly I think I am learning them too. I have my list that Vic has written down for me. And I go by it. We just keep adding to it. And I repeat everything in English then Spanish...or sometimes Spanish then English. Daddy is better at it than me, but I'm trying :)
Other than that, things are really going great. We pulled the carpet out of the living room and hallway. Laid tile down. I bought new curtains that are hung, but I still need to hem them :( In a couple of weeks we will be pulling out the vinyl in the kitchen and putting new tile down in there as well. It's a lot of fun, but a lot of hard work too. I'm still on the prowl for rugs for my living room. I had bought some, but they have since been returned, they just didn't "do it" for me. :( Oh well, such is life.
Well that's all for now...here are a couple of pictures of Bear....

I just posted a post that I had written almost a month ago. I'm sure at the time there was more to say, but hey I got out what I could. Right now the Bear is asleep so I thought I'd see what I could share with everyone now...
My dad is officially moved in. We have found him a place to build his boat. It's only about 5 miles from our house so that's nice. We have moved some of our things out there for storage just so we could have some extra room :) It has been so much fun having my dad around. He is retired, so he doesn't have to go to work. It makes my days seem less lonely at home. We get to do simple things together, like go to Costco, and the grocery store...and he'll run errands with me so I don't have to take the baby out all the time.
It's been a bit different trying to adjust, but we are really getting the hang of it. Dad doesn't take up much space, and he is just using the guest room and the guest bath. Which we weren't using anyways. He does his fair share around the house. We don't expect anything but he does LOVE to cook, so he usually cooks 3-4 meals a week for us, and I cook the rest of the time. It sure has saved on our "going out to eat" bill. He does the dishes most nights which is nice. But most of all it's just nice to have him there. I know he's safe...not like he can't take care of himself, but I worry. He's had a quintuple bypass almost 10 years ago, and several shunts put in in recent years. So it's nice to have him close in case he needs something. He also is suffering from the results of getting red mold...so the breathing isn't the best...but he does really well. He has slowly improved over the years :)
Tori is loving having Grandpa there. He gets down on the floor with her and plays...she pulls on his shorts while he's on the couch to tempt him to "tickle" her. It's so much fun to watch!!! I'm just glad he's here :)
Now on to the Bear...she's getting SOOOOOOOOO BIG!!! She'll be 10 months in 4 days. So hard to believe. She crawls like there is no tomorrow, pulls up on everything, stands by herself, and is cruising around holding on to the wall and the couches. I foresee her walking before she is 1 or by the time she is 1. She's got 2 months to get there. She's got a mouthful of teeth, and knows how to use them. She's eating tiny pieces of meat, all veggies, yogurt (her absolute favorite food), cheese cubes, all fruit that is not citrus, and loves to "share" Grandpa's ice cream. She is self feeding snacks. But I refuse to turn her loose with the spoon just yet. I did once and we had mashed potatoes in her hair, eyelids, my hair, the floor, the wall, you name it, there was potatoes. So for now, we stick with the diced foods... She says "da da", "ma ma", and "hi". She knows who we are and will call to us with her arms up. She waves and says "hi" to people when you ask her too. She's really starting to love books. She loves books with shapes and animals. She can handle "story time" for about 15 mins now. Then she looses her focus...For simple words, we are teaching her the Spanish version has well. Slowly I think I am learning them too. I have my list that Vic has written down for me. And I go by it. We just keep adding to it. And I repeat everything in English then Spanish...or sometimes Spanish then English. Daddy is better at it than me, but I'm trying :)
Other than that, things are really going great. We pulled the carpet out of the living room and hallway. Laid tile down. I bought new curtains that are hung, but I still need to hem them :( In a couple of weeks we will be pulling out the vinyl in the kitchen and putting new tile down in there as well. It's a lot of fun, but a lot of hard work too. I'm still on the prowl for rugs for my living room. I had bought some, but they have since been returned, they just didn't "do it" for me. :( Oh well, such is life.
Well that's all for now...here are a couple of pictures of Bear....

My Photography,
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Two New Roommates...
Yes I know, I'm late in posting...no need to remind me...but...well there is no buts...
We have a new roommate. They moved in last Wednesday...and have decided to make it a permanent home for a little while. We don't have a lot of space, but we are making do. And for me, it's exciting. A little nerve racking but it is going to be fun. We'll have to rearrange some things, and things will have to go out in the shed, but it's no big deal at all....and we are happy to move the things out, so that they can stay.
I am talking about my Dad and Freida. My dad will be living in our spare bedroom while building his boat. Yes is making a boat so that he can sail up the eastern seaboard. A dream that he has had for a while now. And Freida will be sharing the space with him...now now, don't get to excited, Freida is my Dad's 11 week old Boston Terrier. She is an amazing little pup, and a great companion for my dad.
It will be nice that my dad is back in town....we didn't have the greatest relationship when I was younger so now maybe things will change. I'm an adult now, and don't need to please. I have my own opinions...and so does he...and we might just have to agree to disagree. I'm glad that Tori will get to know her grandpa...he has so much to teach us.
We have a new roommate. They moved in last Wednesday...and have decided to make it a permanent home for a little while. We don't have a lot of space, but we are making do. And for me, it's exciting. A little nerve racking but it is going to be fun. We'll have to rearrange some things, and things will have to go out in the shed, but it's no big deal at all....and we are happy to move the things out, so that they can stay.
I am talking about my Dad and Freida. My dad will be living in our spare bedroom while building his boat. Yes is making a boat so that he can sail up the eastern seaboard. A dream that he has had for a while now. And Freida will be sharing the space with him...now now, don't get to excited, Freida is my Dad's 11 week old Boston Terrier. She is an amazing little pup, and a great companion for my dad.
It will be nice that my dad is back in town....we didn't have the greatest relationship when I was younger so now maybe things will change. I'm an adult now, and don't need to please. I have my own opinions...and so does he...and we might just have to agree to disagree. I'm glad that Tori will get to know her grandpa...he has so much to teach us.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Yes I am a slacker once again...but I have good reason...LACK OF SLEEP!!!! Little Miss Thing is becoming such a big girl. She now has her 2 bottom teeth in. However they are still bothering her. And the top ones are on their way. We can see them, they are on the verge of pushing right on through. Two teeth in less than a week is a lot for a little one to handle. I'm just happy that she hasn't been running a fever. She's just been wanting to gnaw on everything, and a little fussy. Nothing that a little bit of Tylenol/Motrin won't fix. After about 20 mins, she's as good as new again.
It's hard to believe that this month she will be turning 9 months. I don't know where the time has gone at all. My baby is getting so big. She's crawling, pulling up, and starting to "let go" to stand by herself. She can last for about 10-15 seconds, and then she falls down/ or sits down. She cruises around the couch and her crib. It's adorable...
I haven't gotten much sewing done :( I did make her a little skirt last Friday... It was something simple, but yet a lot of work...hrmm that sounds like an oximoron comment. It's a little Knife Pleat Skirt. It has an elastic waistband. I have made her a matching T-Shirt as well. I cut her initial out of the same fabric, and appliqued it to the front. I need to get a picture of the shirt. But for now, here's a picture of the skirt.
I also did a French seam on the inside. It is tucked into one of the pleats so it's hidden. I was so proud of it. Here's a picture of the seam. Just and fyi, a french seam is a seam that is incased in itself. So there is no raw edge material showing. The waist was folded over, then I applied single folded bias tape to the raw edge and stitched it down to make a casing for the elastic. It's simple but it did the trick.
It's hard to believe that this month she will be turning 9 months. I don't know where the time has gone at all. My baby is getting so big. She's crawling, pulling up, and starting to "let go" to stand by herself. She can last for about 10-15 seconds, and then she falls down/ or sits down. She cruises around the couch and her crib. It's adorable...
I haven't gotten much sewing done :( I did make her a little skirt last Friday... It was something simple, but yet a lot of work...hrmm that sounds like an oximoron comment. It's a little Knife Pleat Skirt. It has an elastic waistband. I have made her a matching T-Shirt as well. I cut her initial out of the same fabric, and appliqued it to the front. I need to get a picture of the shirt. But for now, here's a picture of the skirt.

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