Wow....I've been slacking. So what's been going on in our world. Not that much. Just the same old thing it seems. Tori is just getting bigger. Starting to do more things it seems. I have made the final decision though, she HATES tummy time. Yes hate is a very strong word, but I think it fits this time. However with that being said, I'm trying to figure out other ways to make her back strong. Otherwise, I'm afraid she will be behind on her milestones. She will tolerate tummy time if she's laying on Daddy's tummy and looking up at him. But I don't think this is enough. I have been putting her in her Bumbo, and sitting with her. She a little wobbly but she does pretty good in it. I've been sitting her on my knee and supporting her, but I'm not really sure if either of these 2 options are giving her the strengthening that she needs. Must do more
I can't believe in less than a month she goes back to the pedi for her 4 month check up and shots. I'm curious to see how much weight she's gained. It's an amazing feeling knowing that I have been the one that supported her while in the womb, and I have continued to support her while she's in the real world. At times though, it is scary. Yes I know there's formula if anything should ever happen, but still...maybe it's just my odd way of thinking.
Okay I started this on Wednesday, and it's now Friday morning...*sigh* where has the time gone.
And now it's Saturday morning. It's currently 5:45 and I've been up since 4:00am. The baby woke to eat. No big deal I usually fall right back to sleep when she's done nursing. However at the same time she was nursing, the norther decided to blow in. And that means that the wind was blowing a gale storm. I got up to check the weather and found that the wind was gusting up to 40mph in some places here. THAT'S CRAZY. No the real crazy thing is, that yesterday it made it close to 90, an today, if we're lucky, it will make it to 65. When I got up at 4:00, it was 62, and 2 hours later, it is now 48. Must love Texas. If you don't like the weather just stay an hour or so and it will definitely change.
Okay I'm closing this one off for now, and I might actually post it....
1 day ago
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