21 hours ago
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
I've done it...I've crossed over....
Well I've gone and done it. I've crossed over.......I've been really thinking about it for several weeks, but never had the nerve to go out and do it. I've been speaking with several mothers that do it, and they wish they would have done it sooner. I spoke with the hubby last night and he agreed beings I'm the one that usually always changes Babybear that it was up to me. So last night I got all my resources together and set out on my mission. I looked at all the reviews. The good, the bad, and the crazy.
So, today, I went on a field trip to a local store and bought my "stash". And if you're wondering what I'm talking about....it's cloth diapers. The Babybear, will now be wearing cloth diapers from here on out. I wore cloth when I was born, and my mom did the same for my little sister. It's amazing how much they have changed in 20-30 years. IT'S ACTUALLY CRAZY!!!
I didn't go all out. I'm not doing the One Size Fits All like the Bumgenius, those are crazy expensive. As in $17.99 for 1. And I would need a solid 12. Do the math. *cringe* I decided to do the prefolds and, then put wraps over them. They can be pinned, snapied, or just folded and laid in the wrap. I spent less than what I would have in 2 months for disposables. Right now I go through about 8-10 diapers a day, and you get 180 in a box for $42.00 plus tax. That will last about 10-12 days. I have to change them more beings her skin is SO sensitive. I got 24 prefolds, 3 covers, 3 doublers, 6 micro fiber wipes, 6 hemp wipes, and 2 snappies all for $130. The covers are good for up to 18lbs, but the reviews said most can wear them until about 20-21lbs, then I'll have to upgrade to the medium size which is good up to 28lbs, most reviews say to about 32. The prefolds, aka the actual diapers, I will not have to upgrade. They are good to go until she's potty trained. Just depends on how you fold them.
So people may think I'm crazy. And maybe I am. But disposable I think were made for the moms who were on the go all the time. I'm not. I'm a SAHM. There's no reason why I can't do a little bit of laundry. It's better for Tori, better for the environment, and it's WAY cheaper. In the future I might go and buy a couple of "all-in-ones", but for now, these will be it. They really are a lot easier than what you might think.
Right now they are on their 3rd wash. I can't wait to start the day off tomorrow in her new diapers. It's rather exciting to me!!!
cloth diapers
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Giving of Others
You know it's nice to know that there are people still out there that are willing to open their hearts and share with others. To "pay it forward" so to speak. Today I had lunch with some of the other moms in my SAHM playgroup and it was so nice to be out and about and to be with other moms. But afterwards I went over to one of their houses and was able to get some clothes for Tori. Unfortunately they are moving back to their home state and will not be a part of our group much longer. But before she gave the clothes away she asked if anyone from the group wanted anything. I was so grateful to have the opportunity. Now that we are on only 1 income, there isn't as much to go around. Yes we can sustain our life, and there will be some extra. But not a lot.
I am not to proud to accept hand-me-downs. Nor am I to proud for my daughter to wear them. They were given to us with an open heart and kind heart. And they are beautiful.
I just wanted to say thank you Kate. Your generosity is so greatly appreciated. I wish I would have gotten to know you sooner. Thank you so much for the clothes, and for the wonderful conversation today.
I am not to proud to accept hand-me-downs. Nor am I to proud for my daughter to wear them. They were given to us with an open heart and kind heart. And they are beautiful.
I just wanted to say thank you Kate. Your generosity is so greatly appreciated. I wish I would have gotten to know you sooner. Thank you so much for the clothes, and for the wonderful conversation today.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Be Thankful for What I Have....
The title pretty much says it all. When the days seem long and the nights do not have enough sleep, I must remember to be thankful for what I have. Because, at any moment it could be taken away. Now I'm not trying to sound depressing, or getting anyone upset, but it's true. And I'm reminded by this by a mother that I have been following since I found out that I was pregnant. I joined the community on Baby Center, and there was a mom that was pregnant with mono-amniotic twins. It's actually rather rare, and usually the prognosis isn't that great. But for them, it has been bitter sweet.
I would read their posts and cry while I was still pregnant with Tori, and pray that nothing would be wrong with her. That she would have all of her toes and fingers. That she would be healthy and able to come home with me from the hospital. Simple things that a lot of people take for granite.
These past couple of days Tori has been relentless. I'm now going to officially say it's a growth spurt. She's cluster feeding like there's no tomorrow, and although I love every minute of it. I need my time too. She does it during the day when daddy's not here, so he doesn't really understand the concept of it, or how difficult and draining it can be on me. But that's not my point either....remember it's be thankful for what I have.....
I am thankful that I have a daughter who is thriving. Who is able to be at home with me. Who is able to cry at night and wake me up. Who I am able to feed and know that she is growing. I am thankful that she has not had to have surgeries to make her better, or take enormous amounts of medicine for her to be able to sustain life. I am thankful for the fact that I have fed her every hour on the hour since 9:00 this morning, and she has finally fallen asleep for a nap at 4:00 this afternoon. I am thankful that she didn't sleep for 7.5 hours last night, and needed to eat at 4:15 this morning. That she decided to blow her diaper out so I had a huge mess to clean up, and she did this all while nursing, and pitched a fit when I wanted to stop to change the diaper. I am thankful for Tori....for every little tiny bit of her.....
Ani and Jeremy are the parents of the mono-amniotic twins Aderah Psalm and Veiyah Jaielle. And although they were blessed with 2, they are only her to care for 1. Aderah Psalm, was sent from the womb to be with her Maker and to watch over her miracle sister Veiyah. You could say they are mirror images. (Veiyah's organs are flip-flopped so everything is on the opposite side of where they normally would be; therefore, when her sister stares down from heaven, they are mirror images.) But this little girl is God's miracle here on earth. She is such a fighter. She has been through several major surgeries and is scheduled for another open heart surgery in the next week or so. You can read about the family here http://kargfamilyupdates.blogspot.com/ ...but remember I am here to be thankful for what I have...
I've followed this family from the beginning. I've cried many a tears for their pain. I've prayed many prayers for their strength and for their little Miracle. and when all is said and done, when I sit on this couch, and type this, and stare at my baby sleeping soundly with her little quirky smile...I am so very thankful for what I have. My days are so easy in comparison of what some have to go through....
If you have a moment take a look at Ani & Jer's blog...it will make you realize how lucky you are. And you can see what a Miracle looks like...
Monday, January 26, 2009
And the week begins...
and not to badly either. Tori went to bed around 11 last night, and slept through the night waking up at 6:30. When I first heard her cry, I thought "not 4, please don't let it be 4" and sure enough it wasn't. We got up and went and changed the diaper and then it was off for "nummies" Yes that's was it's called. Nursing her has been one of the most amazing things. Giving birth was a neat experience; but, I find nursing her to be more rewarding. I love looking down at her, and seeing those big brown eyes staring up at me. To know that after being her lifeline for 10 months, I'm still that life line for her.
She's feeling better. She still has a stuffy nose, but no infection. If she's anything like her dad and I, I'm assuming she's probably going to be allergic to cedar. It kicks my butt every time. So even though she coughs every once in a while, she's her very happy self. I've been truly blessed with a happy child. God is good....
My weekend was pretty good. Friday night, went to the Spurs game with my mom, Saturday we really didn't do to much, just relaxed and watched a couple of movies. My Best Friends Girl, and Max Payne. The first one I loved, the second one was okay, but it was more a guy movie. Lots of shooting and stuff like that. Sunday we got up and went to church. Unfortunately I've been fighting with my allergies/sinuses as well and had a horrible headache, and lots of pressure in my head. So after church I came home and slept on the sleeping pad until 2:00. Daddy was good and took care of Babybear. Then we pretty much did nothing for the rest of the day. I love weekends like this...
However today, I have made up for my lazy weekend. After I fed the baby and got her back to sleep it was around 7:30. I got the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded, had the ham chopped for making breakfast (we had Migas w/ham), Vic's lunch packed, made Vic's breakfast, got the kitchen decluttered and cleaned, folded 2 loads of laundry, changed the sheets on the bed, cleaned up the living room, picked up the baby's room, amongst all of this, (fed the baby at 9:30, 10:30, & 11:30), picked up the bedroom/bathroom, and I've done 2 loads of laundry. Wow, now that I look at it, I've got a lot accomplished so far today. Phew!!!! I only have 1 more load of our laundry to do (sheets) and then the babies laundry. And I will be done for a couple of days.
I'm thinking that Tori is either cluster feeding to make up for the hap-hazard eating she did the one day when she wasn't feeling well, or she's going through a growth spurt. If I'm not mistaken I do believe babies have a growth spurt at around 12 weeks. And on Wednesday she'll be 11 so it is a possibility.
Anyways, I'm off to make me some lunch. I have another post that I've started, but I'll get to it in a little while...it's one of those posts that need my full attention...
She's feeling better. She still has a stuffy nose, but no infection. If she's anything like her dad and I, I'm assuming she's probably going to be allergic to cedar. It kicks my butt every time. So even though she coughs every once in a while, she's her very happy self. I've been truly blessed with a happy child. God is good....
My weekend was pretty good. Friday night, went to the Spurs game with my mom, Saturday we really didn't do to much, just relaxed and watched a couple of movies. My Best Friends Girl, and Max Payne. The first one I loved, the second one was okay, but it was more a guy movie. Lots of shooting and stuff like that. Sunday we got up and went to church. Unfortunately I've been fighting with my allergies/sinuses as well and had a horrible headache, and lots of pressure in my head. So after church I came home and slept on the sleeping pad until 2:00. Daddy was good and took care of Babybear. Then we pretty much did nothing for the rest of the day. I love weekends like this...
However today, I have made up for my lazy weekend. After I fed the baby and got her back to sleep it was around 7:30. I got the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded, had the ham chopped for making breakfast (we had Migas w/ham), Vic's lunch packed, made Vic's breakfast, got the kitchen decluttered and cleaned, folded 2 loads of laundry, changed the sheets on the bed, cleaned up the living room, picked up the baby's room, amongst all of this, (fed the baby at 9:30, 10:30, & 11:30), picked up the bedroom/bathroom, and I've done 2 loads of laundry. Wow, now that I look at it, I've got a lot accomplished so far today. Phew!!!! I only have 1 more load of our laundry to do (sheets) and then the babies laundry. And I will be done for a couple of days.
I'm thinking that Tori is either cluster feeding to make up for the hap-hazard eating she did the one day when she wasn't feeling well, or she's going through a growth spurt. If I'm not mistaken I do believe babies have a growth spurt at around 12 weeks. And on Wednesday she'll be 11 so it is a possibility.
Anyways, I'm off to make me some lunch. I have another post that I've started, but I'll get to it in a little while...it's one of those posts that need my full attention...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Go Spurs Go
Well it's 11:50 and I've been home for about an hour or so. I got a surprise night out with my Mom. She had tickets to the Spurs game, and I got to go. It was so much fun. Before I was married, mom and I used to go to the games together. We'd jump up and down and by the time we left, we'd be horse. Times have changed some, but it was still such and awesome time. But best of all it was time I got to spend with my most amazing mom. She's such a wonderful person to have as a mom, and as a friend. I'm lucky, and my daughter is lucky to have a wonderful grandma....here's to you mom.... I love you bunches. Thanks for taking me tonight!!! And best of all, they won!!!! Go Spurs Go!!!!
***Update on Tori***: She woke up this morning and was doing well. Took a really long nap this morning, and when she woke up, it's like she was new little baby. She looks a lot better, and is eating better. She's still got a little bit of congestion, but it's clearing up nicely. The power of prayer is an amazing thing.
***Update on Tori***: She woke up this morning and was doing well. Took a really long nap this morning, and when she woke up, it's like she was new little baby. She looks a lot better, and is eating better. She's still got a little bit of congestion, but it's clearing up nicely. The power of prayer is an amazing thing.
Happy Friday
I was reading another blog I follow and this is what I saw...now I'm to list 3 things that made me happy this week.
* Getting to spend time with the other mommies of Tori's playgroup
* Being able to spend time with my niece this week, and take her to the park
* Being appreciated by my husband, and him actually saying thank you and acknowledgeing the things I do while he's at work. (clean house, laundry, dinner waiting for him when he gets home)
Happy Friday
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tori Bori...
It's not a good day for the little one :( It started yesterday. She's not feeling well. She's really congested, and is coughing. It's so heart wrenching. I look at her and she's so tiny, she doesn't know how to blow her nose, or cough stuff up. Unfortunately the doctor says there's nothing that we can do for her right now. She doesn't have an earache or anything, just a mild cold. So for now, it's the humidifier, saline drops, and the beloved blue suction bulb. Even though she's not feeling well, she's still such a happy little girl....So here's to my day of cuddling with the little one.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Some of you may know that for the longest time I watched my niece. From the time she was itty bitty until she was over a year old. This year she will turning 4. And it amazes me how big she has gotten. When I found out I was pregnant, I wondered how it would effect her. She had been like my child for so long, and now I was going to have my own little one to worry about. She is amazing with Tori, and loves her dearly. There is a bond between the two that will never be able to be measured. I thought I'd put a couple of pictures up to share.
Chirstmas Eve over at Nana's
On her way to see Great PaPa
Ali with Great PaPa and her baby brother Brandon
We took her to the park on Sunday...and this is a new rockclimbing wall that they built, unfortunate she went higher than what Aunt Carrie said....
I got a little to big for my pants, and now I'm stuck...
Learning how to climb...
Chirstmas Eve over at Nana's
On her way to see Great PaPa
Ali with Great PaPa and her baby brother Brandon
We took her to the park on Sunday...and this is a new rockclimbing wall that they built, unfortunate she went higher than what Aunt Carrie said....
I got a little to big for my pants, and now I'm stuck...
Learning how to climb...
Some New Pictures
So I finally got around to uploading the camera...I'm so slow at it sometimes. I thought I'd share a couple of pictures of the Babybear. It's crazy to see how much she is changing.
This was taken when we were getting ready to go shopping...she was just hanging out on the couch...so mellow, like her daddy
She had just came out of her bath, and was getting her baby massage.
This is what happens when daddy trys and lets mommy sleep a little longer. Mommy gets up and comes into the living room to see the two of them passed out on the couch. (the part you can't see is the pile of pillows that were on the ground to provide a landing pad)
This was taken when we were getting ready to go shopping...she was just hanging out on the couch...so mellow, like her daddy
These 2 were taken in the middle of the night, she had been fussy and then all of sudden wanted to be happy... I love her little chipmunk cheeks
She had just came out of her bath, and was getting her baby massage.
This is what happens when daddy trys and lets mommy sleep a little longer. Mommy gets up and comes into the living room to see the two of them passed out on the couch. (the part you can't see is the pile of pillows that were on the ground to provide a landing pad)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A New Day, A New Beginning?
I woke up this morning, took mom's dog to the vet for her, came home fed the baby, and then fixed the hubby breakfast and had dinner in the crock pot all before 9:30. Then I sat down to a little girl sitting in her bouncer just a cooing away, and realized what today was.
For many Americans today is a great day in history. It's the changing of the guard. Out with the old in with the new. For me, I see it as something different. It's a day that has changed my 2 month old daughters future. It represents to me, that the hatred in America is slowly disappearing among the generations. I was raised to believe that races do not mix. (And yet I married a Mexican man). It wasn't until I was older that I realized how crazy this was. Like the President said today in his speech, 60 years ago a man stood at the end of the mall, and he could not have drank from the same fountain, or rode on the same bus, or ate at the same restaurant as many people did. Today is a day in our history that will go down in infamy. It is a day of firsts and new beginnings.
I pray that in 5 years or 10, or 20, that this will be an everyday event. That people of all races, religions and creeds, will be able to come together for one common cause. Many people before me have hoped for the same thing, and many people after me will too, but today was a step in the right direction. You do not have to believe in all of the causes, or everything they do. But you must believe that the people are strong that back this country. I may not have voted for him, but he is now my President. I only pray that he can lead this great country and show that we are still "one nation under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Today just goes to show, that anyone can accomplish anything. And this is what I want for my daughter. To know that no matter what obstacles are in front of her, that she can achieve great things. That she will know that she comes from a background of strong Germans, Englishman, and Scotsman, but also from a strong group of Mexicans, and Native Americans. She will not be known as Caucasian, or Mexican. She will only be known as a child of God, with an open mind and willing heart to serve. She will not be known by a piece of paper, but she will be known for the knowledge that she posesses. She will be strong-willed and determined in her endavours. She will be able to stick to her convictions, and have proof to back up her beliefs. She will be what ever she wants to be, and I as mom, will be standing right by her side knowing that I helped shape this amazing young woman that stands before me.
For many Americans today is a great day in history. It's the changing of the guard. Out with the old in with the new. For me, I see it as something different. It's a day that has changed my 2 month old daughters future. It represents to me, that the hatred in America is slowly disappearing among the generations. I was raised to believe that races do not mix. (And yet I married a Mexican man). It wasn't until I was older that I realized how crazy this was. Like the President said today in his speech, 60 years ago a man stood at the end of the mall, and he could not have drank from the same fountain, or rode on the same bus, or ate at the same restaurant as many people did. Today is a day in our history that will go down in infamy. It is a day of firsts and new beginnings.
I pray that in 5 years or 10, or 20, that this will be an everyday event. That people of all races, religions and creeds, will be able to come together for one common cause. Many people before me have hoped for the same thing, and many people after me will too, but today was a step in the right direction. You do not have to believe in all of the causes, or everything they do. But you must believe that the people are strong that back this country. I may not have voted for him, but he is now my President. I only pray that he can lead this great country and show that we are still "one nation under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Today just goes to show, that anyone can accomplish anything. And this is what I want for my daughter. To know that no matter what obstacles are in front of her, that she can achieve great things. That she will know that she comes from a background of strong Germans, Englishman, and Scotsman, but also from a strong group of Mexicans, and Native Americans. She will not be known as Caucasian, or Mexican. She will only be known as a child of God, with an open mind and willing heart to serve. She will not be known by a piece of paper, but she will be known for the knowledge that she posesses. She will be strong-willed and determined in her endavours. She will be able to stick to her convictions, and have proof to back up her beliefs. She will be what ever she wants to be, and I as mom, will be standing right by her side knowing that I helped shape this amazing young woman that stands before me.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Being a Mommy....
What a day....it was a wonderful day, and I couldn't be happier.....
Last night Tori had a serious tummy ache. I felt so bad for her. Nothing that we did made her feel better. I have her a warm bath, and she was okay for about 15 mins and then it started all up again. Did the baby massage, and that helped for about 10 mins. And once she started again, she just screamed. Not that scream that lets you know she's hungry, but that high pitched scream. The kind that makes your ears hurt, your toes curl.....the kind that makes your heart break because you know there's nothing you can do...Finally I got her to nurse and then she was out like a light. Just as quickly as it started, it was over....She fell asleep around 11 and didn't wake up until 6 this morning. Do you know what that means?????? It means I got to sleep for 7 hours straight.
When I woke up this morning to her little "warning" cry I didn't know what my day was going to hold. I was hoping that she was going to be feeling okay. Praying that she was going to be having a good day, but truly didn't know what to expect. I woke up to big beautiful brown eyes staring at me (yes we co-sleep), and a smile that would melt anyone's heart. Those eyes said it all....I know she doesn't understand much, but I know she understands how much I love her. I know she understands that she is my whole world. These are the mornings that I am going to look forward too. The mornings that this little girl and I can lay in bed together before we have to tackle the world and just cuddle. The time that we get to spend just getting to know one another.
One of my friends said it best...."Being a mommy rocks!!!" I'm sure it will be the toughest, most challenging thing I will ever do. But it will also be the most rewarding and fulfilling thing by far. Everyday is a learning experience...and let me tell you, I have a lot to learn.....
Last night Tori had a serious tummy ache. I felt so bad for her. Nothing that we did made her feel better. I have her a warm bath, and she was okay for about 15 mins and then it started all up again. Did the baby massage, and that helped for about 10 mins. And once she started again, she just screamed. Not that scream that lets you know she's hungry, but that high pitched scream. The kind that makes your ears hurt, your toes curl.....the kind that makes your heart break because you know there's nothing you can do...Finally I got her to nurse and then she was out like a light. Just as quickly as it started, it was over....She fell asleep around 11 and didn't wake up until 6 this morning. Do you know what that means?????? It means I got to sleep for 7 hours straight.
When I woke up this morning to her little "warning" cry I didn't know what my day was going to hold. I was hoping that she was going to be feeling okay. Praying that she was going to be having a good day, but truly didn't know what to expect. I woke up to big beautiful brown eyes staring at me (yes we co-sleep), and a smile that would melt anyone's heart. Those eyes said it all....I know she doesn't understand much, but I know she understands how much I love her. I know she understands that she is my whole world. These are the mornings that I am going to look forward too. The mornings that this little girl and I can lay in bed together before we have to tackle the world and just cuddle. The time that we get to spend just getting to know one another.
One of my friends said it best...."Being a mommy rocks!!!" I'm sure it will be the toughest, most challenging thing I will ever do. But it will also be the most rewarding and fulfilling thing by far. Everyday is a learning experience...and let me tell you, I have a lot to learn.....
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The Family
I thought I'd share a couple of pictures of us...These were taken in December.
This is my amazing husband with his precious baby girl. This picture makes my heart just melt.
My perfect Christmas present
The 3 of us...
I love this picture...She's so happy and peaceful in this picture.
This is my amazing husband with his precious baby girl. This picture makes my heart just melt.
My perfect Christmas present
The 3 of us...
I love this picture...She's so happy and peaceful in this picture.
Consistency....seems like something that should be pretty easy right? For example. I make homemade yogurt in my crock pot. I consistently put in 8 cups of milk, 1/2 cup of starter, and 2/3 cup powdered milk, and it tastes the same every time. When I got to my favorite restaurant, I always order the same thing, and it is Consistently always the same. This is what I look forward too.
It's really frustrating when I go out and spend my money 1 day and what I order is good and then I go the next day, and order the same thing and it's horrible. You know there is a formula for making iced coffee. How can a person mess with a woman's iced coffee after she's had a night of a fussy baby??? This is what I need to function!!!! :) Oh well....
Today was a good day, went shopping for a baby shower, and spent the rest of the day with my hubby and the wee one....Here's to a relaxing night...
It's really frustrating when I go out and spend my money 1 day and what I order is good and then I go the next day, and order the same thing and it's horrible. You know there is a formula for making iced coffee. How can a person mess with a woman's iced coffee after she's had a night of a fussy baby??? This is what I need to function!!!! :) Oh well....
Today was a good day, went shopping for a baby shower, and spent the rest of the day with my hubby and the wee one....Here's to a relaxing night...
Friday, January 16, 2009
And here we go....an Introduction of sorts
I've thought about setting up a blog for a long time. However there just never really seemed to be anything to talk about. Well now I have something to talk about....Nine and 1/2 weeks ago, I was blessed with the most amazing gift anyone could have ever given me. I was blessed with a beautiful, healthy, and happy little girl. It is amazing how much your life can change in a blink of an eye. You go from being 2 people to now 3.
My life is pretty normal I suppose. I've been blessed with an amazing husband who I adore. I have a wonderful mother, who I am fortunate to live very close too. I have a little sister that has blessed me with a gorgeous niece (Ali) and very handsome nephew (Brandon AKA Peanut Butter). I am able to live in a small town which is just the right size, but I don't have to drive far to experience the big city.
(So far, I think this is an okay beginning???)
As of about a week ago, I am now officially a SAHM. This I think will be the best job that I will ever have. I love the fact that I will be able to look back and say "I didn't have to miss her first step, or her first roll over, or her first field trip." Things might be a little tight in the beginning, but once we figure it all out, we should be fine. It's a small price to pay to be able to stay at home and watch her grow.................
My life is pretty normal I suppose. I've been blessed with an amazing husband who I adore. I have a wonderful mother, who I am fortunate to live very close too. I have a little sister that has blessed me with a gorgeous niece (Ali) and very handsome nephew (Brandon AKA Peanut Butter). I am able to live in a small town which is just the right size, but I don't have to drive far to experience the big city.
(So far, I think this is an okay beginning???)
As of about a week ago, I am now officially a SAHM. This I think will be the best job that I will ever have. I love the fact that I will be able to look back and say "I didn't have to miss her first step, or her first roll over, or her first field trip." Things might be a little tight in the beginning, but once we figure it all out, we should be fine. It's a small price to pay to be able to stay at home and watch her grow.................
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