and not to badly either. Tori went to bed around 11 last night, and slept through the night waking up at 6:30. When I first heard her cry, I thought "not 4, please don't let it be 4" and sure enough it wasn't. We got up and went and changed the diaper and then it was off for "nummies" Yes that's was it's called. Nursing her has been one of the most amazing things. Giving birth was a neat experience; but, I find nursing her to be more rewarding. I love looking down at her, and seeing those big brown eyes staring up at me. To know that after being her lifeline for 10 months, I'm still that life line for her.
She's feeling better. She still has a stuffy nose, but no infection. If she's anything like her dad and I, I'm assuming she's probably going to be allergic to cedar. It kicks my butt every time. So even though she coughs every once in a while, she's her very happy self. I've been truly blessed with a happy child. God is good....
My weekend was pretty good. Friday night, went to the Spurs game with my mom, Saturday we really didn't do to much, just relaxed and watched a couple of movies.
My Best Friends Girl, and
Max Payne. The first one I loved, the second one was okay, but it was more a guy movie. Lots of shooting and stuff like that. Sunday we got up and went to church. Unfortunately I've been fighting with my allergies/sinuses as well and had a horrible headache, and lots of pressure in my head. So after church I came home and slept on the sleeping pad until 2:00. Daddy was good and took care of Babybear. Then we pretty much did nothing for the rest of the day. I love weekends like this...
However today, I have made up for my lazy weekend. After I fed the baby and got her back to sleep it was around 7:30. I got the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded, had the ham chopped for making breakfast (we had Migas w/ham), Vic's lunch packed, made Vic's breakfast, got the kitchen decluttered and cleaned, folded 2 loads of laundry, changed the sheets on the bed, cleaned up the living room, picked up the baby's room, amongst all of this, (fed the baby at 9:30, 10:30, & 11:30), picked up the bedroom/bathroom, and I've done 2 loads of laundry. Wow, now that I look at it, I've got a lot accomplished so far today. Phew!!!! I only have 1 more load of our laundry to do (sheets) and then the babies laundry. And I will be done for a couple of days.
I'm thinking that Tori is either cluster feeding to make up for the hap-hazard eating she did the one day when she wasn't feeling well, or she's going through a growth spurt. If I'm not mistaken I do believe babies have a growth spurt at around 12 weeks. And on Wednesday she'll be 11 so it is a possibility.
Anyways, I'm off to make me some lunch. I have another post that I've started, but I'll get to it in a little's one of those posts that need my full attention...