I've thought about setting up a blog for a long time. However there just never really seemed to be anything to talk about. Well now I have something to talk about....Nine and 1/2 weeks ago, I was blessed with the most amazing gift anyone could have ever given me. I was blessed with a beautiful, healthy, and happy little girl. It is amazing how much your life can change in a blink of an eye. You go from being 2 people to now 3.
My life is pretty normal I suppose. I've been blessed with an amazing husband who I adore. I have a wonderful mother, who I am fortunate to live very close too. I have a little sister that has blessed me with a gorgeous niece (Ali) and very handsome nephew (Brandon AKA Peanut Butter). I am able to live in a small town which is just the right size, but I don't have to drive far to experience the big city.
(So far, I think this is an okay beginning???)
As of about a week ago, I am now officially a SAHM. This I think will be the best job that I will ever have. I love the fact that I will be able to look back and say "I didn't have to miss her first step, or her first roll over, or her first field trip." Things might be a little tight in the beginning, but once we figure it all out, we should be fine. It's a small price to pay to be able to stay at home and watch her grow.................
1 day ago
I totally agree...being a SAHM is worth all the money in the world. I just couldn't bear it if a daycare worker say all my baby's firsts. She says, "ah goo" and looks me in the eye and I melt. How could I miss that?